
Busy schedule? No problem.

Our providers meet you where you’re at with telehealth.

Is Telehealth right for you?

While we do offer in-person visits, our therapists can also meet you where you’re at by scheduling a telehealth appointment. Provided that you are located in the state of Maryland during the telehealth appointment.  This is a great option for people with a busy schedule or who may be experiencing illness without canceling their appointment.  Although research shows in many cases telehealth is just as effective as in-person appointments, there are some issues that are not a good fit for telehealth and best treated in-person.  For best treatment outcomes, please speak with your provider to make sure telehealth, in-person, or a hybrid of both is the best option for you.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are taking medication prescribed by a Dagenhart Health and Wellness provider, you will be required to have periodic in-person appointments.  Please speak to your provider and/or our administrative staff for additional information or if you have any questions. 

Most healthcare plans provide coverage for telehealth just like in-office therapy. While this is often at your regular copay, coinsurance, or deductible, there may be  some variations depending on your specific policy. If you are not sure about your benefits, please contact our billing department for additional information and/or your insurance provider. If you run into any coverage issues, we are happy to work with you on payment options.​​​​​​​

 Telehealth FAQs

We know that Telehealth can bring up understandable questions and concerns. See a list of the most frequently asked questions below. 

  • Yes. Our providers maintain strict confidentiality standards for your protection. We use HIPAA-compliant secure video software to make online therapy convenient and confidential. This means your appointments are real-time, two-way video, and cannot be recorded. Our providers are exclusively providing counseling via video from the office, or from areas of their home that have privacy.

  • All you need is a comfortable private space, an internet connection, and a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or personal computer. When your appointment is scheduled, a secure video link is created for your appointment and sent to you via email. When it’s time for your scheduled appointment, simply click the link and you will be connected to a virtual waiting room until your provider also connects.

  • Dagenhart Health and Wellness encourages and supports a hybrid model of face-to-face and telehealth appointments. Connecting with your provider via virtual appointments is an easy way to get started with your care — or to avoid disrupting your care — and to receive consistent support toward your goals.

  • Yes! There have been numerous studies conducted showing that telehealth is just as effective as in-person counseling. (August, 2020)

    “There is substantial evidence of the effectiveness of telepsychiatry and research has found satisfaction to be high among patients, psychiatrists, and other professionals. Telepsychiatry is equivalent to in-person care in diagnostic accuracy, treatment effectiveness, quality of care, and patient satisfaction. Patient privacy and confidentiality are equivalent to in-person care.”

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